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Tin Universe Monthly #21 A First Shot Fired: Part Three

Tin Universe Tin Universe Monthly #21, A First Shot Fired Part Three

  Copyright 2016 Brian Williams

  The sale of this book without its cover….well, is, sort of, impossible since it really doesn’t have a cover but let us go through the legal spray out anyways. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as “unsold and destroyed.” Hands up to you who have books like this in your collection? Now that I put my hand down we can continue with the credits and copyright and legal and stuff that people just don’t ever pay attention to unless it is pumping their own horn.

  An Original Publication of System* Publishing, a Tin Universe book published by System*Publishing, a division of System*Productions, Melbourne, Florida. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead or living dead, is entirely and very much so in the coincidental.

  Written by Brian C. Williams

  Edited by Brian C. Williams

  Any Additional Photography by Stainless Photography

  Cover Digital Work by 74 Images

  Tin Universe Monthly #21

  BREAKING NEWS: Christian extremist leader calling himself Otto The Great calls on his followers to infiltrate Muslim families in the disguise of friendship and then strike when an opening comes for the most death.

  BREAKING NEWS: Graffiti starts popping up all over Texas saying The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo “is burned and so shall Texas.”

  BREAKING NEWS: France, Japan, and are pulling out of The Washington Naval Treaty. The United States and Britain say this will create a new naval arms race and make the seas a danger to all.



  Montana is called The Treasure State, and it has a lot to offer its citizenry, but remember the state flower is also The Bitterroot; so everyone learns living in this state isn’t a cakewalk. Living within these state borders can take you up to 3901 meters and hug you like a grizzly bear.

  During World War Two Montana prospered and after the war also because of several secret military operations that took place within the state. The United States government put a lot of black money into the state coughers and then basically misplaced all the folders on these operations.

  It happens.

  The government is very much like a child who can’t remember where they put their crayons.

  Example: The government forgot about an experiment to create a dwarf star under San Francisco until an Earthquake reminded them to clean up their filing system.

  Most of those type of operations in Montana were in the city of Billings. There were so many secret operations in Billings that at one time there was talk about turning the whole place into one big secret base for black file folders.

  That was scrapped and they decided instead to go with Milwaukee.

  What else was Milwaukee being used for?

  In Yellowstone County, at coordinates 45’ 59’ 43” N, 108’ 00’ 21” W, with a height of 150 feet you will find Pompeys Pillar Monument.

  Gotta love a good monument.

  Chris is standing in front of his rental jeep looking at this sandstone structure found during the late Cretaceous period and wondering if one of his friends had slipped him some of their homemade LSD because things are getting weirder and weirder.

  The base of the pillar is one acre and you can’t grasp it fully until you’re within reach of it.

  Chris reached out and touched it. Yep, this insanity was solid enough.

  He searched the surface of the pillar and studied all the Native American petroglyphs that decorated it, searching for what he was instructed to search for.

  He was busy doing that for a good thirty minutes until he came across William Clark’s signature. The thing he was told to search for. He traced the signature with his finger like the directions in the envelope said to do and a secret door opened.

  How very top secret fun.

  Sergeant Luke was there to greet him as the door opened and ushered him inside. The initial rush of air that came out of the door was musty and past its sell by date. Chris noticed that Sergeant Luke must have come through another entrance because he had to walk through a spider web that covered the whole doorway to enter.

  After getting the webs off him in a way that didn’t make him look like someone who was afraid of spiders and freaking out a bit they started walking through a dark corridor as Sergeant Luke held a handheld camping lamp out in front of him.

  ‘This place was used as a personal weapons and equipment research center. A lot of spy stuff used doing World War Two was created here. I’ve read in documents that I found in here that places like this were all over the country and the government probably has forgotten about most if not all of them. A time before firm information lines. Things disappeared and were forgotten. That inefficiency is now a benefit to us,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘How’d you find about this place?’ Chris

  ‘A couple years ago an uncle of mine was asked to survey the place for the National Parks Department and he asked me to help him out because it would have taken him forever with the budget cuts his departments been hit with to do it all by himself. I just stumbled into it,’ Sergeant Luke

  They stepped from the barely lit corridor and into a huge room that was almost completely empty except for a lot of boxes of various sizes from a number of technology and sporting companies.

  Chris noticed the boxes were new, from modern companies, without any dust or webs on them.

  ‘And how does a cop afford all that?’ Chris

  ‘Cops run across a lot of raw cash fighting crime,’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘And you just?’ Chris

  ‘You would be surprised at the tonnage of cash the government confiscates. The feds take the big stashes for their black operations. Local governments put their hands in…’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘And so you?’ Chris

  ‘And so does a lot of cops. Yes, some for personal gain but also for charities, to give back to people hurt by those who previously owned that money. It’s not a gray area for me Chris, this is what happens,” Sergeant Luke

  ‘I’m all ready to do this but I still don’t understand your angle? Taking drug money, that’s just human nature and probably in better hands than it being used by the feds but what’s your overall angle on this?’ Chris

  ‘A criminal revolution may not be necessary against an out of control political system, but in a country where the masses are suffering to keep the system alive it can be a good swing of the bat,’ Sergeant Luke

  Chris looks around the large room.

  ‘Are you ready to break the Gaudi mode?’ Sergeant Luke

  ‘Nonviolence is a privileged position in the modern world. I see that now. It’s easy to play pacifist when your children have plenty of food and the tear gas canisters aren’t heading for your skull,’ Chris

  BREAKING NEWS: A group calling themselves The Mud March somehow get letters to the Queen and Prime Minister saying “We shall change the shape of this nation to protect our bodies and our lives.”

  BREAKING NEWS: The United States State Department denies U.S. Special Forces did combat with a Beyond Human during a freak storm in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan.

  BREAKING NEWS: Lawmakers in the US avoid a partial shutdown of the military over a pay raise that some are kicking out against for members of Congress and the House. They always make sure they get paid and pay increases, do you?